Wholesale Business Advisor | Products

Wholesale Business Advisor

Leverage your wholesale business by connecting intelligence to action

Boost your wholesale roaming strategies

Wholesale Business Advisor (WBA) together with Retail Business Advisor (RBA), are part of Mobileum’s Roaming Business Advisor portfolio.

Retail Business Advisor focuses on enabling connectivity to roaming subscribers by delivering compelling offers that allow them to use cellular data at affordable prices. The wholesale module, Wholesale Business Advisor, is more focused on how operators can maximize partnerships to get the best roaming services at the best prices and margins.

Working together, operators use the two modules to optimize their customer and supplier roaming business. Utilizing powerful analytics and action tools, roaming teams employ the two products to create a strategy and operating model that conceives data-driven business opportunities and orchestrates roaming actions.

Regain control of your roaming business with an end-to-end roaming management solution

The telecom wholesale market is competitive, fast-moving, and complex. It has a long cycle - from budgeting, deal building, simulation tracking, and settlement.

Mobileum’s Wholesale Business Advisor makes it easy for roaming teams to manage the most complex deals and enables them to actively simulate and settle discount agreements while optimizing cost and revenue through an easy-to-use user interface. The solution is built around the InterOperator Tariff (IOT) lifecycle, including forecasting, simulation, and dynamic reporting.

See how Mobileum can help protect & grow your business

Over 750 Telecom companies, in more than 150 countries, are scaling their business with Mobileum solutions.

Go beyond spreadsheets to run your wholesale business effortlessly

For many years, Excel spreadsheets have been a staple in both professional and personal circles for organizing, calculating, and presenting data. Because spreadsheets are often used for valuable or sensitive information, even a single mistake can be costly.

Mobileum’s Wholesale Business Advisor (WBA) automates the end-to-end management of the operator’s wholesale business by providing a comprehensive view of all roaming partnerships, allowing operators to model, track, forecast and measure the performance of the wholesale agreements. Now operators can confidently track overall performance in real-time, and more efficiently manage budgeting and roaming settlement activities.

Manage Roaming Agreement Exchange and IOT in one central place

The process of centralizing contractual information received from roaming partners, such as bilateral contracts and swap deals, often means complex rating, discount terms, and exceptions that add up to many errors and miscommunications, especially when managed manually or through a clearing-house.

Mobileum WBA ensures you can negotiate contracts and get them introduced in your roaming billing system in an agile and timely manner while accelerating the go-to-market strategy. Manage commercial roaming rate information (RAEX IOT), with all Inter Operator Tariff details and get full control with powerful rating features, such as support to operator data and IOT file split, and opportunity to configure partner IOTs for IOT-check purposes.

Advanced deal simulator empowered by machine learning

Simulate deal impact scenarios based on how you route traffic to partners—checking costs, quality, and other variables that may have a significant impact on margins. Automatically process and validate Inter Operator Tariff (IOT) and quality indicators offered by other carriers. Mobileum WBA supports the most complex roaming agreements in the market and enables roaming teams to actively simulate and settle discount agreements while optimizing cost and revenue.

The Mobileum solution provides an intelligent recommendation built around the Inter Ooperator Tariff (IOT) lifecycle, capable of delivering insights based on committed volumes, inbound traffic, and volume growth. Using advanced machine-learning algorithms, deal simulation provides accurate what-if scenarios around IOT agreements, allowing roaming managers to focus on maximizing profits.

Dynamically manage roaming agreements by leveraging steering

Understanding partner traffic trends and any differentiation in expected commitments is critical to the success of an operator’s roaming business. Operators need the ability to track revenues, costs, and network traffic across its roaming partner networks to optimize the traffic and revenue among partners.

Using WBA and Mobileum Advanced Steering analytics, operators gain the ability to dynamically select preferred roaming partners based on agreed price, traffic quotas, and quality of service. Using the latest techniques of AI/ML for near-real-time analytics, WBA can enhance how you take advantage of better prices or best quality from partner operators, or honor bi-lateral agreements using network-based and SIM-based steering.

Kaleido Intelligence Research

Wholesale Roaming Strategies & Competitive Landscape White Paper

A wide range of features for performance analysis, forecasting, and budget management

Operators need to measure partner deal performance to forecast business profitability appropriately. Part of this includes identifying underperforming partners, any deviations in traffic commitment, and changes in projected revenues so operators can adjust strategies and stay on track for business case achievement. Mobileum’s Wholesale Business Advisor (WBA) data analytics provides real-time roaming performance data. These data insights, make WBA’s forecasting and budget management tools a powerful ally to automate the planning, forecasting, and budget process while enabling roaming Inter Operator Tariff (IOT) discount negotiations to be more profitable.

Take advantage of machine learning forecasting to achieve high forecast accuracy, learn from mining loads of big data without human interference, and deliver unparalleled roaming agreement deal insights.

Accurate settlement over inbound and outbound roaming traffic

Once a deal period comes to an end with a roaming partner, operators need to complete a discount settlement. Mobileum’s WBA Roaming Settlement solution allows operators to process visiting and outgoing subscriber data and generate the required outputs to settle with your partner carriers.

WBA provides mobile network operators with greater control of their roaming business and reduces costs by bringing clearinghouse functions under their operational management. Mobile operators can re-rate calls for onward billing to home subscribers, verify clearinghouse costs, and validate the services that clearinghouses provide.

An intelligent solution to streamline wholesale business management

Manage all your roaming data from a single location
Centralized point for all relevant roaming data where the Roaming team can monitor one or an entire group of operators’ wholesale business and take actions through easy drag and drop capabilities.
Manage wholesale agreements end-to-end
Mobileum’s WBA provides end-to-end management of wholesale agreements, including: budgeting, agreement creation, forecasting, simulation, performance tracking, invoice settlement, and deal review.
Enhance margins
Operators can measure the projected performance of every deal, build different deal scenarios, and select the most optimized models for improved wholesale margin.

Mobileum Network Services Portfolio

Discover why the Mobileum product portfolio is changing the roaming landscape worldwide.

Roaming business reporting with real-time analytics

Showing all aspects of the roaming business, including results, takes time and effort. Manual preparation of reports can lead to inadvertent errors. Critical to operational excellence is the ability to run automated roaming reports, which provide the hard data required by strategic managers to make informed decisions.

Mobileum WBA delivers customizable default views, which can be assigned to different teams for different purposes. Unlike other tools in the market, Mobileum’s WBA allows users to edit their views directly within a report by delivering customizable and dynamic web-based layouts with various metrics, including maps with distributions per country, tables, charts, and graphs.

6 key features of Wholesale Business Advisor that will make it easier to manage the most complex deals

Business dashboard
This dashboard includes global, regional and country performance, margin insights, and heatmaps to track performance of all active deals.
Network overview
These dashboard views provide a detailed overview of every agreement, and runs on actual roaming traffic data (TAP records) – inbound and outbound, and all available service types, including voice, video, SMS and data.
Deal builder
This component enables partner agreement loading, configuring new deals, and traffic forecasting.
Deal simulation and recommendation
Users are enabled to evaluate the impact of deals at country, operator, and group levels. The system also recommends best deal scenarios based on partner’s and traffic historical data.
Budget simulation
Tool that enables the creation of a budget based on traffic forecast and monitoring performance against forecast.
Complete snapshot of the settlement status with roaming partners (net payable and receivable credit values).

Reinvent the roaming business with M2M devices

Enable permanent roaming at a wholesale level for M2M application providers: For the new generation of industrial mobile applications based on roaming for specific vertical sectors (e.g., car industry, aerospace, logistics, etc.), the specialized service providers need long term wholesale access. Effectively, that requires permanent roaming agreements, usually at the wholesale level.

By combining our rule-based approach with machine learning, customers can control the costs of outbound M2M devices and intelligently steer devices to the most favorable network while bringing access to global connectivity.

Accelerate VoLTE roaming

A guide to accelerate interoperability, by making interconnection, peering and roaming easier.

Evolve the roaming business with VoLTE

The deployment of LTE networks is happening faster than ever. Therefore, operators must implement worldwide seamless roaming to provide subscribers with the variety of services they have come to expect, including voice, data, and multimedia. These services can expand an operator’s scope and enhance its ability to stay competitive by improving subscriber satisfaction and loyalty and attracting new subscribers. In addition, operators can increase revenue by providing services to subscribers served by other international operators.

VoLTE roaming also makes commercial sense - as many pure LTE networks are offering very competitive wholesale rates to acquire VoLTE in-roamers, helping MNOs reduce costs and increase margins.

Our roaming solutions, built on machine learning, offer the best technology to enable fast innovation.

Retail Business Advisor
Enable connectivity to roaming subscribers by delivering compelling offers that allow them to use cellular data at affordable prices.
Steering of Roaming
Steering of roaming, or “preferred roaming” allows operators to decide which partner their subscribers will use while roaming.
Monitor and control network use in real-time to boost roaming revenues. Support the creation and enforcement of a wide range of roaming service packs, across voice, SMS, and data services.

How STC is Leveraging Roaming Active Intelligence.

STC is a world-class digital leader in providing innovative services and enabling the digital transformation within the MENA region to its customers. STC is a company that is continuously looking to improve and adopt new and better ways of doing things, with a fresh and ingenious view. STC relies on Mobileum’s wholesale roaming product portfolio to develop bilateral agreements that increase the adoption of roaming services. Mobileum’s wholesale roaming portfolio makes it easy to accelerate the go-to-market strategies, due to its ability to rapidly update usage policies and roaming capabilities.