Roaming DNA | Roaming Deep Network Analytics

A cutting-edge software platform

To meet roamers' expectations for always-on connectivity and high-quality services, Communications Service Providers (CSPs) shall proactively and efficiently monitor their global roaming service and partner networks, and detect and solve service issues promptly.

Mobileum's Roaming DNA (Roaming Deep Network Analytics) is a state-of-the-art software platform servicing Telco roaming analytics needs, leveraging high-performance DPI technology to produce real-time and historical insights with unprecedented depth and efficiency.  Its compelling suite of roaming-focused solutions enables 360° network performance monitoring, delivery of quality roaming services, and personalized experiences, offers:
  • Mobileum's Roaming Leadership
  • Deployment Efficiency & Scalability​
  • 360° Roaming Analytics
Roaming DNA filters

Powerful roaming traffic insights and analysis

Roaming DNA produces insights while analyzing massive roaming traffic from home and partner networks. It can process data more comprehensively than any other tool in the DPI industry and swiftly transform trillions of raw metadata into actionable insights for timely decisions.

Roaming DNA enables a wide range of data-driven actions:
  • At the network level, it enables delivery of the roaming experience customers expect, full visibility of partner networks’ quality to make optimal steering decisions, and troubleshooting efficiency to reduce operational costs.
  • At the customer level, it offers rich, individualized roamer analytics to elevate Customer Care operations, promptly address any query or issue affecting customer experience, and leverage segment-based insights to offer personalized service to VIP customers.
Home and partner network quality with Roaming DNA

Advanced roaming customer experience management

Roaming DNA's tool provides detailed Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) insights through granular filtering by roaming country and partner, allowing users to analyze network events deeply for real-time troubleshooting and fault isolation. The tool enables users to trace and inspect both user and control plane traffic in real time, with smart alarms triggering instant alerts based on various KPIs. Roaming DNA generates easily shareable reports and empowers customer care teams to resolve roaming-related queries efficiently, improving first-call resolution rates and reducing operational costs.
Roaming DNA filtering and kpis

Roaming DNA's six integrated solutions

Mobileum's comprehensive suite of solutions ensures superior service quality and user experience for roamers. The solutions:
  • Roaming: Granular QoS/ QoE insights per country and partner, from multiple analysis angles (Signalling Protocol, Service, Roamers).
  • xAnalyser: Fault isolation to identify, inspect and analyze control plane events, and pinpoint the root cause of network errors.
  • Tracing: Troubleshooting enabling real-time recording and analysis of all user and control plane events at the packet level.
  • Alerts: Alerting solution to proactively monitor network degradation issues and receive real-time alarms.
  • Explorer: Data visualization, analysis, and reporting to expose network KPIs across multiple dimensions and improve network quality.
  • Subscriber: Complete view of each roamer’s usage and experience to address any query or complaint effectively.
RoamingDNA integrated solutions

A wide range of roaming use cases

Empower your network management and customer care teams with a suite of tools designed to ensure your network meets roamers' expectations for continuous connectivity and high-quality services by proactively monitoring their global roaming networks and swiftly detecting service issues.

The Use Cases:
  • Deep-dive troubleshooting
  • Degradation detection
  • Partner performance monitoring
  • Roamer churn prevention
  • Proactive VIP segment monitoring
  • Customer care
  • Self-service BI reporting
Roaming DNA Use Cases

6 key benefits of Mobileum’s
Roaming DNA

improved experience
Improved performance and experience
Full visibility of home and partner networks’ quality. Timely operational interventions and personalized customer care.
fast detection of issues
Fast detection and resolution of issues
Deep visibility of individual roamers’ usage and quality insights. Monitoring and alerting on VIP/ high-ARPU segments.
Real-time and historical analytics
Real-time and historical analytics
Multi-dimensional, user and control plane analytics at the network and individual roamer levels.
reduced costs
Network management with reduced OPEX
Improved operational efficiency, lower costs, and better service quality.
Deployment efficiency and scalability
Deployment efficiency
and scalability
A full-stack, independent solution with fast deployment and compatibility across various infrastructures.
360° analytics
360° roaming
Real-time and historical insights across all radio technologies, supporting various use cases.

Mobileum addresses all roaming challenges

    Manage every aspect of your roaming operations, with:
    • 360-degree visibility of your roaming business
    • Active testing to get additional data points
    • The ability to take action (NTR) based on what you see/detect
    • The capacity to send contextual campaigns (iCampaign) based on specific customer segments
    • A risk portfolio to prevent fraud
    • A powerful firewall to ensure security for your roamers
Mobileum Roaming Portfolio

Robust Roaming Network and Core tools

Manage and optimize your roaming networks' and services' efficiency, profitability, and customer experience. Maximize partner usage profitability and accurately forecast roaming demand with our dynamic steering. Optimize routing, reduce latency, and strengthen your network security by quickly detecting and blocking voice-related threats in real time. Mobileum's Roaming Network and Core tools are​:
  • Roaming DNA
  • Steering of Roaming
  • Retail Business Advisor
  • Data Management
  • iCampaign
  • RoamFlow
  • Roaming Replicator
  • Voice Firewall
  • GTP Traffic Router
Roaming Network and Core

Leveraging our roaming portfolio for the best roaming service and experience

5G Roaming
This is a comprehensive and scalable tool designed to continuously test, monitor, and assess the quality of 5G networks for both NSA and SA deployments. Our 5G roaming testing uses GlobalRoamer®, the world’s largest end-to-end automated active testing platform for roaming, covering more than 98% of the world and supporting 2G, 3G, LTE, CSFB, VoLTE, IoT, 5G, and Emergency Services.
201124 mobileum card emergency services ecall testing
Mobileum's Signaling Firewall provides robust protection against signaling-based threats by monitoring, filtering, and blocking malicious traffic in real-time, ensuring secure communication over mobile networks. It safeguards operators from vulnerabilities in protocols like SS7 and Diameter, which are critical for mobile communication​.
201124 mobileum card signaling firewall
RAID to fight
Roaming Fraud
Delivered on-prem or in the cloud, RAID is a prepacked solution that evaluates traffic volume to identify high usage consumption or no or low traffic patterns in roaming-related traffic. The correlation between abnormal behaviors and the built-in hotlists of fraudsters and risky destinations detects and alerts to call collisions while roaming, providing you full coverage of your visitors and subscribers activity.